48 King Street
St. Augustine, FL 32084
In 2007, Chapter 267.1735 F.S. was enacted to provide for contracting with the University of Florida to assume management responsibilities for
certain historic properties located in St. Augustine, Florida. The goal of this action was "to ensure long-term
preservation and interpretation of state-owned historic properties in St. Augustine while facilitating an educational
program at the University of Florida that will be responsive to the state's needs for professionals in historic
preservation, archaeology, cultural resource management, cultural tourism, and museum administration and will help
meet needs of St. Augustine and the state through educational internships and practicum."
In 2009, the University of Florida developed a Strategic Plan that lays the foundation for property use, visitor experience, interpretive exhibits, educational programs and coordinated planning with the City of St. Augustine and other stakeholders. In 2010, the State of Florida provided recurring Plant Operation and Maintenance (PO&M) funds to the university for the management of these state owned properties. As a result of this support, the university assumed responsibility for the properties in July 2010 and began working toward implementation of the Strategic Plan recommendations. A Direct Support Organization (DSO), UF Historic St. Augustine, Inc. was formed in December 2010 to oversee and develop support for the properties.